CiM Science Explorers For in Him all things were created. Col 1:16 Creationists in the Making Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image



What classes do you offer?


We offer the following classes: PK/Kindergarten, First/Second, Third/Fourth, Fifth/Sixth, General Science (7th), Physical Science (8th), Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Advanced Biology, and Marine Biology. We also offer a study hall and childcare for the students of teachers and assistants.


What fees are required?


There is a $70 registration fee due at the time of registration. This fee will ONLY be refunded if your children do not get placed into a class. Each class has a lab fee which is due by the first day of class each year. This fee provides the materials needed for experiments. The fees vary depending on the class level.


What curriculum do you use?


We offer a combination of Apologia and Berean Builders texts. Each elementary class uses two books from the Berean Builders series, alternating between the books each year. The Fifth/Sixth Grade class alternates between the last book in the Berean Builders series and the Apologia Astronomy text.

The middle school and high school level classes use the Apologia texts. General Science and Physical Science use the 2nd edition of those books.


Are there prerequisites for any classes?


Yes, the middle and high school classes have math prerequisites. Generally, the math required will be the math level that was completed the year before (General Science needs 6th grade math, and so on). We also ask that children in the Fifth/Sixth grade class be able to read well on their own. Students who take Biology must have completed at least Physical Science.



What work will be required of my child?


Students in the elementary age will have some homework during the week. The amount of work will depend on the class level. Students in middle and high school will have daily work. Daily work will include reading, questions over the reading, vocabulary cards, study guides, lab reports, and tests.


What constitutes the school year?


Parent Orientation for CiM Science is the second week of August. Classes begin the third week of August. We do not have class on Thanksgiving and have Christmas break from mid-December to through the first week of January. We take a Spring Break in March and end our year the second week of May.


Is there a dress code for CiM?


Yes. We require that appropriate, modest, as well as safe clothing be worn for science classes. This means no short shorts (i.e., athletic, cutoffs, etc.), jeans with holes, saggy jeans baring undergarments, pajama bottoms, midriff tops baring bellies, or plunging necklines, and closed toed shoes. Any of these items will be considered an infraction of our guidelines and the student will not be allowed to attend class.


What safety measures are in place?


All volunteers have been background checked and have completed a child abuse safety training class. Students are in the presence of at least two adults during official class times. The front doors of the building are locked just before class begins and a parent is sitting in the entry way during class time to monitor. A pick-up procedure has been put into place ensuring that children are sent home safely.


How do I register?


In order to register for classes, you must first request membership. The link can be found on the home page. You will fill out an information form. This will be sent to the administrator. Once the administrator has approved you, you may log into your account and register your children for classes.


Do I have to volunteer?


YES! As a true co-op, we ask that at least one parent from each family volunteers in some way during the school year. The ways you can volunteer include teaching, assisting in a classroom, being on the arrival or dismissal team, being on the clean-up team and being on the substitute rotation. We also need people to coordinate the substitute rotation, help with the website and coordinate special events. If you are a teacher on a weekly basis, you will receive a 100% discount on your lab fees. If you are an assistant in a classroom on a weekly basis, you will receive a 50% discount on your lab fees.


What is your discipline policy?


Redirecting is the first step a teacher will take to get the students back on track. If a student is not following the classroom rules, and needs more than a reminder or redirection, the teacher and one other adult will talk with the student privately. If the situation reoccurs on a regular basis, the teacher will contact the parents. As a last resort, the family will meet with the board to discuss the issue.


When can my children be on the premises?


Your child may enter their classroom no earlier than 10 minutes before class time. Your child must be picked up no later than 5 minutes after the end of their class. While on the premises, we ask that students stay off of the church playground. Please do not allow your children to jump the fence or enter the playground through the church building. Children may use the swings ONLY if an adult is AT the swings with them.


What is Study Hall?


Study hall is provided for families who have children in both class sessions. This is strictly study hall. The children attending must be able to sit and do work quietly.


Can my child have a snack during class?


No. We request that all food be eaten either before class or after. Your child may bring a reusable water bottle to class. Students staying during both sessions may bring a snack to eat between the two class times.


Can my child bring their cell phone to class?


Older children may have their cell phone with them but will not be allowed to have it out unless there is an emergency. No cell phones, watches, or any other kind of electronic device is allowed during class time. If you need to reach your child during class time, parents can text the administrator or their teacher.