Welcome to CiM Science Explorers!
We are Creationists in the Making!
CiM Science meets at:
New Life Baptist Church
12 Gregg Road
Krum, TX 76249
Email: [email protected]
What is CiM Science?
CiM (Creationists in the Making) Science Explorers is a true home school cooperative for students in grades PK-12. Our goal is to help students discover more about their Creator through the study of science. We are a group of Creation-based believers who want to share God's creation with their children and others. We are moms and dads who volunteer our time and talents to further the education of the children who attend CiM. We meet on Thursdays in Krum, TX with classes beginning at 8:30 and 11:00.
Parent Participation Required
CiM Science is a true co-op. We require that at least one parent from each family participate on the CiM team in some way. There are a variety of options for participating. Having a team led program allows us to provide classes at a more affordable cost.
2024-2025 Important Dates
August 22 First Day of Fall Semester
November 28 Thanksgiving Break
December 12 Last Day of Fall Semester
January 16 First Day of Spring Semester
March 13 Spring Break
May 15 Last Day of Classes